Sorry was busy with life.
In the mean time from the time I stopped writing the blog I got married, became a proud father of a son. Then trying to maintain by job in this economic slowdown.
Recently our company started the layoff and I was very woried if I will be next one as I had done some investment thinking that my job is secure. This is major pit fall each individual makes when doing the investment planning [which I also have done :( ], that they always think that the job which they are holding is permanent and from there we will be getting a steady supply of money. We only reliase that this is not so when we get layed off or when there are layoff in your company right left front and back.
I have done some research on investment while I was off blogging and I will let you people let you know about them in my future blogs.
So keep those comments coming. Marketing, spammers please excuse.